Friday, April 30, 2010

From the kitchen...

For today, Friday April 30th.

Breakfast: Sweet potato bread, raw milk, organic coffee decaffeinated with the swiss water method.

Snack: banana, peanut butter, and raw milk for me.

Lunch: I had the last of the chicken leftover from making broth and pineapple. Savannah had yogurt, pineapple, and blackberries along with a slice of sweet potato bread and peanut butter. Our meals may sound odd for a while because we are busy with Savannah's dance recital this weekend.

Snack: I had sweet potato bread and pecans that were soaked and dried at a low temperature (I always have some made). Also had 4 dove chocolates again today. Kicking that habit is on my to do list...for another day.

Dinner: I had leftover red beans and rice with tomatoes etc. and Savannah had leftovers from last night.

The kids and I are headed to dress rehearsal for the recital. I am bringing water, fruit, and nuts just in case.

Hmmm, I really don't know what Mark has eaten today.

Still not seeing that I eat anything weird. Katy did have a good idea about taking pictures and providing instructions. After this busy weekend I will begin to catalogue our food with pics. And by the way, I never mind questions. Food is my career, hobby, and as a housewife it is my job.

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