Tuesday, May 4, 2010

From the kitchen...

We had family in town this past weekend for Savannah's dance recital (pictures coming soon) and then Archer got pink eye. All that is to say I have not had time to blog. Our poor little guy is grumpy and requiring lots of holding.

However, I think posting what we eat when things are busier than normal is even more important than posting our normal food. But since I am short on time I will give you the best meal and the worst meal. Everything else was somewhere in between.

Saturday night: Fresh caught wild salmon grilled, fall vegetables (acorn squash, sweet potatoes, apples), and whole steamed artichokes. Everything in this meal is a favorite of Savannah's. I think she ate 8oz. of salmon by herself. The artichokes are fun for all kids. You pull off a leaf and dip it in melted organic or farm fresh butter with fresh squeezed lemon juice and then bite off the meat. What kid doesn't like to dip stuff?

Sunday night: After the dance recital we let Savannah pick a place to eat out and she chose a local pizza place.

Tonight: homemade pancakes (cornmeal, oatmeal, wheat flour, buttermilk, and some other stuff) using my favorite recipe ever and scrambled farm fresh eggs. It was the best I could do with a fussy baby.

I will get back in the swing of my reporting tomorrow along with info on why we eat the things we eat, how we make it, and tons more info. Hmmm, perhaps I need to move this show off the family blog and start a food blog. Just a thought...

1 comment:

Lee Ann said...

"Sissy's Pizza?" Love it!