Saturday, October 25, 2008

....the people

Granny and Papa's kids who grew up here.

The grandkids.

The great grandkids. Wait, somethings not right...

OK, that's more like us.

Lastly, the great, great grandkids.

Oh, I almost forgot. Here are the lucky folks who married into this family.

My Pa's side of the family.

Aunt Patsy was getting a little choked up here. She framed a family tree with all of her brothers and sisters' pictures in it. It also included Granny, Papa, and the house in Centerville in which she is standing in when I took the pic. She gave one to all her siblings.

All my great aunts and uncles had a rough year this year so emotions were running high. That's when they did something I had never seen them do before. Each one took a turn expressing how much each other meant to them. Those words are tucked away into my heart forever.

Check out all the old photos on the wall. The big one above the couch is Granny and Papa, my great grandparents.

Don't worry Uncle Jack, Brenda won't hesitate to tell you what's going on!

My Nannie stepped up first to tell everyone how grateful she was to have this family and what we meant to her.

Uncle Wayne.

Yup, that's the best part of Centerville...the people and their stories. We stayed up late that night listening to my grandmother and her brother and sisters reminisce about the old days. The tales the told about growing up in the country with Granny and Papa had me laughing one minute and sitting on the edge of my seat the next. I wanted to stay there all night and soak it up.

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