Monday, February 9, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

For today, February 9, 2009.

Outside my window...cold, dreary, black skies provide a constant drip of rain.

I am hearing...drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, get the idea.

I am thankful for...God's direction. If I listened to it more often I could avoid so much unnecessary junk. For example working VBS out of guilt instead of God leading me to = lots of ibuprofen.
On the other hand teaching Sunday school and D-now with the youth (where God led me to be) = blessing beyond imagination and seeing the beauty of God working before my eyes.
Hmm, which is better? I mentioned to Mark that I don't think I'll work VBS this year, I just don't feel that's where I need to be. My husband sarcastically replied, "Ya think?"

I am much fun the marathon is going to be! I love a good goal and my family (Mark and Savannah) appreciates it when I find one that doesn't involve them (sorry mom. you didn't escape this one!) To be truthful, I didn't initiate this goal, it was my sister Dawn. We picked the marathon on a Friday due to her pressing the issue and set our training plan. Then two days later she announced she was (unexpectantly) pregnant and dropped out. Now Mandy is considering that as an option out of this adventure ;)

From the kitchen...homemade sourdough bread, scrambled eggs, and just a dab of homemade plum jelly was the dinner of choice tonight. I never make anything fancy or fun on Mondays. But, it was pretty tasty!

I am wearing...PJs. Once a week Savannah declares a PJ day and today was it. However, she changed gowns 3 times so it didn't lighten the laundry load.

I am hoping...the sun will come out tomorrow.

I am reading...Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace for a class Mark and I are taking, The Power of a Praying Woman for a bible study I am in and that's it. I got a book from the library a couple of weeks ago and never even cracked it open before taking it back today. Between the financial class, bible study, Sunday school lessons, and D-now lessons I have had no time for recreational reading! I do read Sleeping Beauty several times per week if that counts. It's Savannah's favorite book and we read a chapter before every nap and bedtime until we have read through the book. And then we start again. This has been going non-stop since Christmas.

I am creating...plans for finances, plans for MOPs, plans for our house, plans for a weekend away for Mark and I, and I am sure there is something else. Can anyone guess my hobby? Yup. I love to plan.

I am join Savannah and Mark on the couch to watch Star Wars for the 200th time when I'm done with this. I blame Jadan, Marcia!

Around the house...jammies, Star Wars, all things organized and in place for the morning.

One of my favorite things...the spray emitted from peeling an orange. It's a delicate fine mist but it yields a strong rejuvenating fragrance. Oranges have been my favorite thing to eat after each training session. That and about 4,000 other calories! Man am I hungry all the time now! It's scary too. I'm building muscles like the Incredible Hulk. Not pretty.

A few plans for the rest of the week...MOPs tomorrow, Mandy, Mom, and I get up to 8 miles this week (plus all our regular miles!), bible study, Valentines banquet, Savannah and I are planning a special dinner for Mark (something involving homemade pasta and prosciutto I'm sure), Mark's 36th b-day, Lani's birthday party, and then all the regular stuff.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Here's to warmer thoughts, locations, and months.
Jost Van Dyke, The British Virgin Islands
May, 2004

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