Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Tea For The Next Generation

Before our trip to Colorado, my grandmother asked Savannah what she wanted to do while there visiting. Savannah had one reply, a tea party like the many her mother (me) had with Granny Smiles (my grandmother) while growing up. And that's just what we did.

Savannah, Ella, and even Burton (the latter 2 are 2 of my sister's 3 kids)all dressed for the occasion.

At first I was worried Burton our only boy of tea drinking age, would not get into it. Here he is squatting to get a better view of the ant who has captivated him oblivious to the tray of delectable treats beside him. Ladies, are we ever oblivious to delectable treats? Um, no.

Burton quickly caught on though and drank more tea than the girls!

Savannah scouting out treats.

Granny Smiles, Tea Time Diva.

Savannah worked hard to stick her pinkie out as she sipped.

Don't drop the cup!

Ahh, much better.

Ella conquered the tradition with ease.

Now Burton may have been born in Aspen but he talks so slow (and sweet!) that you would swear he is from Texas. "I'n waaannna stick my pinky out Beeeaaannna" (They call me Aunt Beana).

Dang, he's cute!

Tea, scones, cookies, tea sandwiches, lemon curd, big hats, and family... to be a yearly event? I think so.


Lee Ann said...

Your grandma is just the cutest thing!

CDJ said...

LOVE this!! "Big floppy hats" is now at the top of my "to get" list:)

Katy said...

what a precious and special memory! I love the picture of your grandmother solo! That is beautiful.