Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Open Wide!

Megan reminded me that I never posted an update on Savannah's first dentist appointment.

Katy let us borrow 2 books that helped immensely. They were, The Bernstein Bears Go to the Dentist and Going to the Dentist by Mercer Meyer. Savannah devoured them! We read them over and over again all the while answering numerous questions about pain, equipment, and post-appointment treats.

The night before the big appointment we prayed that God would calm her fears and give her courage.

The next day she walked into the dentist office apprehensively and then waltzed out afterwards as if she had just left a glorious party. She had a blast!

That night as we prayed again we thanked God for answering our prayer for courage. Savannah's eyes lit up as she realized God had answered her very own sweet little prayer. She gasped and said, "Momma, God gave me the power to do that!" It was her own divine revelation.

Who knew that God could even make going to the dentist a beautiful thing???

1 comment:

Megan said...

aww!!! Yay for Savanah! I'm glad everything went great!