Monday, January 10, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...pure white snow coats my neighborhood and somehow it seems to have silenced the world. I hear no birds, children, neighbors, squirrels, or even dogs.

I am thinking...that I should have had more for lunch than just a bowl of homemade Moroccan carrot soup. Don't get me wrong it was delicious but my stomach is telling me that one should not consume that large of an amount of pureed veggies at once. It might have been wise to have a cup of that soup with something else instead of a bowl. Oops. I think I actually had 2 servings.

Around the house... a sweet boy is sleeping and a snow-enthused little girl is off to school. Meanwhile a camping tent fully erect in the living room sits waiting for children to fill it again.

From the kitchen...well no more carrot soup that's for sure. Tonight we will have leftover homemade enchiladas and fresh organic salad greens from a local garden.

One of my favorite the smell of my baby. The only thing that can top that is the smell of my baby after my grandmother (either one) has been holding him (or "her" when Savannah was little). Then that little bugger was double the sentimental smell.

I am reading...Restore. Recycle. Repurpose. Create a Beautiful Home by Randy Florke. There are so many of you out there that I think about when I read this book. One can be "green" and go out and purchase eco-friendly decor which is expensive. Or even better one can be resourceful and thrifty and use things already around or found and as a result have an even better and most unique look. What fun would it be if all our houses looked like Pottery Barn anyway. Funky us way better!

I am creating...a refreshed look for the house. I have an innate characteristic in my personality that causes me to get restless now and then. The treatment is to shake things up a bit. Also in the works is my favorite January tradition...vacation planning. Right now we are looking into one of the French Caribbean islands. We are warm weather folk so that combined with awesome french food sounds like a winner to us! Can I go now? I'm really cold.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you.

The hammock in front of Foxy's on Jost Van Dyke where Mark and I spent a relaxed evening pre-kids.

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