Monday, June 30, 2008

Hometown Pixie Dust

The lights are dimming as Savannah climbs into my lap for a better view. We watch the sparkling pixie dust drift over Cinderella’s castle as the famous notes of “When You Wish Upon a Star” fill the air around us. The notes themselves act like pixie dust enchanting the viewers, even before the show begins. Savannah’s grip tightens around my hand and she let’s out a squeal of excitement. She has no idea what is coming next but she knows it will be good!

This wasn’t a scene from Disney World. It happened right here in our small town this past weekend. Savannah experienced the magic of the movie theatre for the first time.
Disney’s signature opening got her adrenaline flowing and the movie that followed kept it running…for about 3/4th of the movie anyway! Once the popcorn ran out and WALL E dove deeper into the plot, she began to play with the lady’s hair in front of us. Although she lost interest at the very end, Mark and I laughed all the way through. Ok, sometimes I was laughing at Savannah playing with the lady’s hair in front of us but the movie was funny too. None the less, the theatre left a big impression on Savannah and since they showed the castle at the beginning of the movie, she is asking to go to Disney World to visit WALL E and Eve. Disney is so smart…

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