Sunday, May 15, 2011

Senior Sunday

Today was senior recognition day at our church. All of our high school graduating seniors stand in front of the church while our youth pastor lists their accomplishments followed by their hopes and dreams. My job as their Sunday school teacher is to hand them a gift from our church and then I give them a big hug and try not to cry.

At the end of my first year of teaching 12th grade girls I found my inaugural senior recognition Sunday to be a little emotional. I had only one year to get to know these girls but in that time they left a huge impression on me. We are talking about gifted young ladies who love the Lord so much that He shines from them through all their God-given talents. Beautiful, beautiful young ladies. Inside and out. I still miss them.

You could say the next year was a little harder because I had more time with this group. And the year after that... even tougher. I squeezed one of my past seniors who was home from college today so hard that she squeaked!

These young ladies bless me so much that I almost feel selfish in teaching them each week. They are at an age that we can discuss real issues and sometimes they take me deeper than I had planned. And other times we giggle and talk about hair and make-up!

The one blessing I didn't expect from teaching is the wisdom I obtain from their parents. What a great spot for a young mom to view godly parenting. I glean wisdom from the parenting of these girls as they talk about how they were raised, life at home, and I even learn from the things they complain about. The products of 18 years of parenting sit before me and I take notes!

Yesterday I saw another group move on. The 9 & 10th grade Sunday school teacher and I often combine our classes and do fun things together from time to time. Because of that I have had the opportunity to hang out with these girls since they were freshman. Through slumber parties, shopping trips, and Sunday school I have been able to share the past 4 years with them. Now they are moving on.

I'm excited to continue to watch these ladies grow into amazing women. But, I am starting to think this yearly graduation thing is not going to get an easier.

1 comment:

CDJ said...

You are such a great writer...and I think you must be a PERFECT fit for that class. I'm blessed by your humble, multi-faceted perspective. love ya, friend:)