Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's Time!

Today we were at my grandfathers having Christmas when I asked my sister if she had Braxton Hicks contractions. She said no, paused and then a minute later said, "are you asking me this because you are having contractions?" I then confessed that they had been 10 minutes apart for the past 2 or 3 hours. Before that I hadn't timed them but had had them all morning. By then my husband and brother-in-law overheard us and then the cat was out of the bag.

I'm not one to leave a party early or miss out all together. And we had planned to stay in Dallas for a few more days. My step brother and his wife were back at my mom's and my sister and her family had just arrived the day before. We had plans. Fun plans. And I knew if I hinted that I was having contractions my husband would make me come home.

I held him off for another 30 mintues but finally gave in. We announced to my grandparents, Dad, and step mom that we had to leave because I was indeed going to have this baby in the near future and we needed to head back east.

My contractions are now 7 minutes apart, steady, and not yet painful. Savannah is still back in Dallas with my sister and my mom came home with us to help.

All is well.


Megan said...

AHHHHHH - how exciting!!!!

Rachel Maples said...

Keep us posted friend. I woke up twice last night and wondered both times if you had had the baby! Love you and praying for you.

Marcia Tapp said...

So excited about the new neighbor baby!

Mandy said...

Christina had the baby yesterday morning. She had a beautiful baby boy they named Archer. He was 7lbs 9 oz and 21" long. They are both doing well and hope to come home tomorrow.